The scars in the sky.


After putting her children to sleep, that is when she finds time for writing. She was just taking an evening stroll. She saw a jet stream. It felt like someone had cut the sky. She matched her hand with the skies. It too had scars. Now she regretted making them. Each signified a battle she lost with herself.

সম্পর্কিত ছবি

She cried to herself ” I wish I had never fought the battles with myself. I wish I was strong enough back then.” But then she remembered what a very wise lady had once told her. “You can never really change the past. Nor can you interpret the future.”
via Daily Prompt: Invisible

7 thoughts on “The scars in the sky.

  1. The past shouldn’t be brooded upon – one should take the lesson and move on. The future doesn’t need to be interpreted. One’s future is for one to make. One needs to dream passionately and work diligently towards its fructification. And then success is guaranteed.

    Well written Ms. G…keep going…✌🌹

    Eituku meye, ki kothin kothin philosophy 😲😲. Just go out and play in the sun – ofcourse once the exams are over!!


  2. As they say, it is called “present” because it is a gift. So cherish the now, make the moment eternal (as Dr. Amrit Sen always says)


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